Bangladesh Water Development Board (PUBO) is a specialized agency of Bangladesh. It is a government agency dedicated to sustainable management of surface water and groundwater in Bangladesh. Its headquarters is located in Dhaka. Mr. Md. Nurul Islam is the Director General of Sarkar Board.
It was formed under the auspices of the United Nations in 1957 with the aim of reducing flood damage and increasing food production after the devastating floods of 1954 and 1955. East Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority (EPWAPDA) was formed in 1959 with the aim of managing and developing the water resources of the region on the recommendation of the Krug Mission. The present Bangladesh Water Development Board (BAPAUBO) as the water wing of EPWAPDA started its operations as the main agency in the country’s water resources management with the aim of increasing the production of agricultural and fishery resources by implementing the country’s flood control, drainage and irrigation projects.
After independence, the Bangladesh Water Development Board (BAPUBO) emerged as a fully autonomous body with the same mandate as the water portion of EPWAPDA as per His Excellency President’s Order No: 59 of 1972. Thereafter, the Bapaubo Act, 2000 was enacted in line with the National Water Policy-1999 and the National Water Management Plan 2004 in a series of reforms and restructuring. Under this Act, the top policy determination and management of the board is being conducted through the 13-member Water Council under the leadership of the Hon’ble Minister, Ministry of Water Resources.
Integrated sustainable development of Bangladesh’s water resources through participatory water management, protecting people’s lives through water-related disaster management, and improving the socio-economic status of people by ensuring food security through irrigation development.
Contribute to food security, poverty alleviation and water-related disaster management by addressing the adverse effects of climate change in line with flood control, drainage and irrigation development, river erosion control, land reclamation, salinity mitigation and integrated coastal zone management under the strategic plan; Enhancing public participation through active participation in integrated water resources management.